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Expert Witness and Legal Testimony 

As A Chartered Fellow Building Surveyor and Chartered Fellow Building Engineer we are instructed to give a professional opinion on legal disrepair and dispute cases, based on our experience, knowledge and expertise in housing pathology and Black Pin Mould. 

This includes Expert Witness reports and Joint Statements, in accordance with Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules. We also comply with the RICS Combined Practice Statements and Guidance Notes for Surveyors Acting as Expert Witnesses.


Black Pin Mould Legislation 

I draw your attention to Summers V Salford Corporation 1946 legal presidents set in with regards to black pin mould in properties,  where it was agreed by the high court that ANY black pin mould within a property is considered prejudicial to health. This would mean, the property is not only unfit for human habitation under The Fitness for Human Habitation Act 2018 but also prejudicial to health under Environmental Protection Act 1990 section 79 (1)a
Jillian’s v Red Kite Community Housing. County Court at Oxford. 24 September 2024The test for ‘unfitness’.
The Court accepted that Bole v Huntsbuild Ltd (2009) EWCA Civ 1146 and Rendlesham Estates v Barr (2014) EWHC 3968 (TCC), both section 1 Defective Premises Act 1972 cases, were of assistance in assessing fitness for human habitation under section 9A  


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